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Everything You Need To Know To Start Online Meditation

Online meditation has become an increasingly popular wellness practice in recent years. With busy modern lifestyles, many people struggle to find the time to attend in-person meditation classes. Also, many people love to do online meditation to promote positivity in the workplace. Fortunately, online meditation makes it possible to experience the relaxation and focus-enhancing benefits of meditation from the comfort of home. This guide covers everything you need to know to get started with online meditation.  

What is Online Meditation?

Online meditation refers to meditation sessions and classes conducted over the internet. Through websites, phone apps, YouTube videos, and social media live streams, online meditation allows you to join guided meditation sessions, follow audio instructions, and participate in groups - no commute required. The main formats of online meditation include:

  • Guided meditation videos and audio files: these provide calm verbal guidance during the meditation to help you concentrate or visualize. They are available on demand through apps like Calm, Headspace, or YouTube.

  • Self-guided meditation apps like Insight Timer and Moments provide guided sessions, timers, journals, and schedules.

  • Live group meditation sessions: Find a recommended meditation teacher and search their offerings for live, interactive group sessions where you can ask questions. Alternatively, you can book an expert teacher to lead your office or residential community in live online classes with YogaHub’s  Live Online Meditation programs.

Benefits of Online Meditation

The benefits of meditation are extensive, from stress and anxiety relief to improved concentration and self-awareness. Online meditation provides all the same perks as in-person meditation, with the addition of extra flexibility that allows even busier individuals to integrate the practice into their routine.

Specific scientifically-backed benefits of regular online meditation include:

1. Reduced Stress

With relaxing audio and video guidance, online meditation gives the body a chance to calm down and lower stress-induced cortisol levels. One study found mindfulness meditation could reduce anxiety by over 20%.

2. Better Sleep

Meditation has been found to improve multiple aspects of sleep, including falling asleep faster, getting more deep sleep, and waking up less throughout the night. Calmer mindsets carry over into more restful sleep.

3. Increased Focus

Research from UCLA found that people who meditated for just 12 minutes daily improved their concentration and attention span more than those non-meditating groups. Online meditation boosts on-task focus, too.  

4. Decreased Blood Pressure

A meta-analysis of nine studies showed mindfulness meditation significantly reduces blood pressure, helping prevent hypertension and heart complications.

Online meditation provides all these powerful benefits just a click away. The convenience and flexibility of practising online allow even the busiest schedules and lifestyles to reap these rewards easily.

Getting Started with Online Meditation

It only takes a few minutes to start experiencing the positive impacts of meditation through online resources. Follow these steps to begin:

1. Identify an area to improve

Clear goals help motivate consistency, so identify an intended benefit that speaks to current challenges. Common focuses include stress relief, improved sleep, concentration, or general well-being.

2. Find a suitable online meditation format

With many digital meditation options available, it helps to target options fitting individual preferences - like peaceful music or specific voices for guided meditations. Experiment to discover what resonates. 

3. Schedule meditation sessions

To turn online meditation into a consistent habit, schedule intentional time slots devoted just to these relaxing and therapeutic sessions. Meditate at a frequency that works for you. We recommend starting with small increments of time. That way, you’ll stay positive and motivated on your journey. Start with sitting for just 5 or 10 minutes at a time. When you feel ready to try for longer, add another 5 or 10 minutes. If you start to get frustrated or discouraged, go back to a shorter increment of time.

4. Optimize the space

While online meditation eliminates commute time, still try to create a tranquil environment at home. Turn off distracting screens and phones, adjust lighting and temperature to be comfortable, and use cushions or mats if desired. 

5. Start Practicing

There are no hard rules for the "right" way to meditate online. Once settled into a calm environment, simply press play and focus on following the voice, video, or audio guidance. Gentle music and natural imagery enhance relaxation in some sessions, too.

Tips for Getting the Most from Online Meditation

To fully leverage online meditation and integrate it effectively,

  • Use headphones: This helps minimize external distractions and facilitates concentration on soft verbal guidance or calming background sounds. Invest in noise-cancelling headphones to reduce ambient noise further.  

  • Create sequences: Many apps and platforms allow sequencing guided meditations together into custom playlists. Design specific sequences to set the desired tone and duration for sessions.

  • Practice breathing awareness: While guidance varies from session to session, continually return focus to the breath when the mind does wander. Observe each inhale and exhale.

  • Be patient: Meditation takes practice - don't be hard on the mind for wandering. Gently guide attention back to the breath and the present moment. Benefits accumulate with regularity.  

  • Track progress: Use journal features in meditation apps to log insights noticed during practice. Note physical and mental changes shifts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is online meditation as effective as in-person?

While attending an in-person session may help you deepen focus for a longer period, the mind-body benefits come from routine practice, not the location. In fact, the flexibility of online meditation improves consistency for busy individuals.

What if I don't have time to meditate?

Even five minutes of guided online meditation daily can make a significant difference. Split longer sessions into mini morning and evening meditations if needed. 

How do I choose the best online meditations?

Sample different length sessions and teachers until you find the ones that feel most comfortable and helpful. An authoritative may work best for your guided meditations, or maybe you’ll find that a soothing one is better. Search sites like YouTube meditations until you discover your favourite teachers. 

Can I meditate lying down?

Meditation is usually practiced while sitting upright; you can even do this in a chair. Modify positions anytime strain arises.  If sitting upright is too uncomfortable, yes, definitely lay down so that you can be as comfortable as possible. The key is not tensing muscles during the meditative period.  

When will I notice changes from meditating online?

With routine practice, benefits build gradually and surely. Subtle reductions in day-to-day stress may be noticed within a week. But overall, mindset shifts and perspective changes unfold over longer-term practice. Keep your mind open to notice the subtleties; change is not obvious at first, but the more you become aware of small shifts, the more pronounced they become.


Online meditation eliminates the barriers that once made consistent meditation challenging. No commute, easily accessible sessions, and flexible timing options let even the busiest individuals finally adopt this profoundly rewarding practice. Take the first step by trying out guided meditations, joining virtual group sessions, or creating custom playlists. Be patient with the process, but expect positivity.