Yoga for Mental Health: Just how does yoga help mental health and what techniques can one use to improve their own?
October 10th is World Mental Health Day. As part of Mental Health Awareness Day, we want to promote awareness, combat stigmatization, and encourage people to seek treatment. In the United States alone, 1 in 5 people suffer from mental illness. It's time we had an honest dialogue about it without any prejudice.
A number of studies indicate that yoga can help with stress, anxiety, and depression. Yoga is a practice that involves controlled, physical movements, breath-work combined with meditation. Practicing breath exercise and regular body stretching can help relieve symptoms of depression, including insomnia, self-confidence.

5 Ways Meditation Can Help You Keep Your Sanity While Working From Home
Since the onset of Covid-19, the demands of working from home have taken a toll on our mental health. Luckily, there is one simple, time-tested way to keep the mind healthy: meditation. Here are five ways meditation can help you cope with stress during COVID-19.

“Am I Doing It Right?” Or, Why Yoga Students Can Stop Worrying and Love the Process
Yoga students sometimes have question, “am I doing it right?” We all want to be “right,” but this question alone could actually be the one thing that stands between you and a more skilled practice. Rather than rehearsing worries or anxiety on our mats, we could experience our own true nature- that is the ultimate goal of yoga!

How to start your own at-home daily yoga practice
Through daily practice, you invest in yourself every day. You might not feel anything happening, but the “interest” grows and delivers innumerable returns over time.

Meditation at the Workplace
The truth is, I don’t have time to not meditate…and neither do you.